ORT – SPERRWERK 10” incl. CD release

ORT – SPERRWERK 10” incl. CD release

My Proud Mountain is proud to announce the relaese of then new mini Album ORT  - “Sperrwerk” that will be released on 10” incl. CD on February 28th 2025
The release of “Sperrwerk” closes ORT’s first creative cycle of now 6 different physical releases since 2020.

The Vinyl Version of the record consists of two compositions, which allude to motifs / themes from previous ORT releases but make them appear in a completely new light.
While the song “La Reprise” is one of the band’s most elaborated compositions yet, travelling through melancholic moods at a partially rapid pace, the song “Heuvel / Bodden”showcases another side of the trio, taking it’s time almost meditatively, spaciously breezing air on the back of a playfully punching rhythm section, before dwelling into a heavy-psychedelic finale.

All that in a typically rough ORT fashion, which sees the music captured while the band actually plays live together in the recording studio, instead of going down the route of a polished “puzzle production”. 

The CD Version of the release differs from the 10", as “Heuvel / Bodden” doesn’t end like the Vinyl Version, but seamlessly leads into the more experimental, self-explanatory titled bonus track “Bodden Dub”. This version will only be available on CD.

A practice, which already has become somewhat of an ORT tradition, considering that the B-Sides of their seven inch single trilogy already consisted of remix versions. as well as the Vinyl release of Maschinenhafen limited edition.

Drummer Sïmon comments: 
“Although we’re recording our material by playing live together, we do it in a way that enables the possibility to still extract single instrument tracks from the recording, so you’re able to take those on further adventures of remix reinterpretations. 
Which is something that goes back to a fascination for Dub Music, in part by the way of Post-Punk- and Industrial-Pioneers such as Killing Joke, Bauhaus or Godflesh, as all of them also dabbled in dub influences and remix versions quite a bit. On top of that, giving a passage of “Heuvel / Bodden” some sort of dub-inspired de- and reconstruction treatment absolutely made sense, since vague influences from something like Blind Idiot God playing dubby tunes on their records, in some way or form at least for me, may have also informed what became said piece. Which probably doesn’t translate to the outside listener that much, but to me it’s in there.” 

“Sperrwerk” will be sold exclusively by the band and the 
My Proud Mountain Shop which is done to ensure sales prices for the unusual format won’t go over the roof.

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