My Proud Mountain welcomes NA ZAROT

My Proud Mountain is indescribable happy to announce and introduce the newest family member. Please welcome NA ZAROT.

NA ZAROT is raw &, intense in emotional weight as well as in sound. The music of the one-man project  contains references to beliefs, spirits, poems and books which in itself is an immersive and challenging journey. Throughout these peculiar tales, the music reflects the atmosphere of the style of the place from which they draw inspiration.

The sound in addition to boosting the impressionable themes of the songs along with the cold harshness, is quite surprising and experimental. You can feel the atmosphere as if from a horror both when the vocals resound as if from another world, and when the rhythm is gloomily motoric creating a mood of anxiety and even danger.
My Proud Mountain will release NA ZAROT  “of death and dying” recordings fas well as 4 new track.

The album will be release on Vinyl incl a 36 page booklet, CD also includet in a 36 Page booklet and digital. Also the booklet will be released as a fazine incl a DL link by end of April.

Watch the first trailer for the album here:

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